Friday, August 7, 2015

Do You Need Extra Eyes?

I forget that people are not like me. (For those of you that know me personally, you might be thinking, "Thank heaven!").  It's not that I think everyone is the same, because I know most definitely that we are not.  It's just hard for me to fathom that not everyone can see things in their head and take steps to get there.  I'm sure that there are other types of problem solver minds out there, but I see things in my head to figure out how to do it.  That's just how my mind works, and that's exactly why people need me to help them with their homes.

I was helping one of my beautiful friends find some direction for her home last week when it struck me.  She knows her amazing home has potential, but she was really struggling to know which way to she didn't go anywhere.  It's not that she had done nothing.  She had painted a few rooms in the initial frenzy that is moving into a new home, but after that she got a little stuck.  As I listened to her talk about how she wants her home to feel, I could hear her nagging frustration with the lack of progress she had made beyond that.  Don't we all get there sometimes?  We know we want to do something.  We can see the big things, but we're not ready to tackle that just yet.  And then we see a million little things we could do, but what exactly do we want to do...and where do we start?

 UL concord grape & wild raspberry

An extra set of eyes is handy sometimes.  I'm not an interior designer and I'm not going to paint your whole house for you (unless you pay me to paint for you, and that's a different matter entirely).  I'm not going to make your house look like mine.  What I will do for you is listen to you.  I want to hear about your vision for your home.  How do you want people to feel when they walk into your home?  I'm an extra set of eyes that doesn't look at your same walls everyday.  I'm there to see things a little differently than you do.  A fresh perspective.  That's what I do for you as a color & inspiration consultant.

I get to use the gifts God has given me to serve you.  I love it and you benefit from it.  What gifts of yours do you use to serve those around you?  I'd love to hear about it below.

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