Monday, February 22, 2016

You Want Me to Fit In, Part 2

I love getting responses to my blog posts.  It means someone is connecting to my message.  Someone might really be understanding what I'm saying.  What a treat for me!  I'm no one special in that I'm a human on this great big, shrinking planet, but if I can encourage someone else along their journey by something I've said...well, that is icing on the cake and a big part of why I do this blog thing. Sometimes the response challenges me to look a little deeper, though.  That's what happened from my post on Friday.

I occasionally share my posts in groups that I frequent on Facebook.  That was one of those posts.  A lovely fellow member asked for further clarification.  If she wanted more, then maybe someone else does, so here goes.  Her question to me was this:
"Have you found the Lord putting more opportunities in your path for witness and serving Him since you started doing more 'you' stuff?"
What a great question to reflect on!  The point of the original post was to call attention to the fact that as a Christian, I am called to stand out, be set apart, not fit in this world.  Instead, I am learning to be who God created me to be, and with that knowledge move forward in every endeavor God has put in my path.  My entire purpose for being on this earth is to bring glory to my Creator.  That's why He made me.  If I am living in His purpose and in His will for my life, then I will be blessed.  That doesn't mean that I will be financially blessed, necessarily, or that life will be all sunshine and roses. But it does mean that I can be at peace with who I am.  It does mean that I can be content with my life.

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So then the question becomes, what does that look like?  It will look like different things for different people, but in a nutshell and simply put: I like me.  I like who I am and am gaining confidence in what God has for me to do.  I know that I am not perfect.  I know that I have many faults.  I acknowledge them and move on.  God doesn't remind me of how I don't measure up.  Only Satan does that.  Be confident, friends, in all that God made you to do and be.  Figure out what that is if you're not sure.  Then move forward.  God put you here on purpose and with a plan.
I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
The Lord God, your Creator, has plans for you.  Let that soak in for a minute.  Go.

If you've enjoyed what you read today, please share this post.  You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook (@JensWallsTalk).

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