Monday, March 28, 2016

It's All About You

We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28.  That's what the Bible tells us in the book of Romans.  This morning I listened to the testimony of a gentleman in my church, who also happens to be one of my son's teachers.  Heartbreaking.  Gut wrenching. Horrifying that any person would have to live through...and yet God not only brought him through, He gave him new life beyond.

To meet this mild mannered fellow, one would never guess that his beginning came through rape--his mother chose to keep the baby.  As he put it,
"I experienced God's mercy before I was even born."
Wow!  Even though it would have been acceptable, and even condoned by some, to have an abortion, his mother chose life for the child within her.  But the story didn't end there.  He went on to tell of abusive boyfriends that continued to plague his home for most of his early years until his mother met and married the man that would become his father when Kyle was 8-years-old.  His father adopted him and they were officially a family, but that doesn't mean that life was all sunshine and roses.  He later went on to experience alcohol and drugs, in a futile attempt to fill the God-shaped hole in his heart that just wouldn't be filled with anything other than God. It wasn't a preacher, or sermon, or a door to door evangelist that eventually brought him to a relationship with the Lord Jesus.  It was truly the Holy Spirit wooing him, as only the Holy Spirit can.

While it wasn't the typical Easter story that one hears on Easter morning, it was a beautiful picture of why Jesus came in the first place.  He shared a story that was, and I'm guessing continues to be at times, painful.  Then he shared the grace...the beautiful grace that covers us.  Kyle has accepted the grace that Jesus offers.  He now pours into kids on a daily basis.  He teaches, encourages, and supports.

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Get your "Christ the Lord" expression here.

I share with you this story not to be preachy, friends, but to encourage you.  Know that Jesus loves you.  He went through an excruciatingly painful death...for you.  If you were the only person on this planet, Jesus still would have died for you.  He loves you.  But here's the really good news.  He came back to life and the penalty for your sins has been paid.  He is risen!

Here is the link for Kyle's story, in his words.  Check it out.

I pray you had a beautiful Easter celebration.  He lives!

If you have questions about this, feel free to comment below, or pass it on via your favorite social media channel if it was encouraging to you. Sharing is caring.  Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @JensWallsTalk.

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