Monday, June 15, 2015

Why Do We Like Music?

I was standing in church today listening to the music during the "worship" time.  I've heard it before that everything we do is worship to God--not just the music portion.  But what is it about the music in our church services or on the radio or iPods that really makes us love it and feel it?

I asked my daughter who is a self professed music lover why she likes to sing.  Here are her words:

When I'm feeling sad, music helps me express my sad feelings.  When I feel angry, music helps me calm down again.  When I'm happy, music helps me feel more alive.

My 10-year-old said that.  Music helps me feel more alive.  Why?  Why does music help us feel more deeply?  We know that it helps our brains work more effectively mathematically.  How?

 UL INK music theme pack

Music is strange and beautiful.  It really can evoke a myriad of emotions, but really it's just a collection of sounds if we're being technical.  The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts, though.  Music soothes the soul, encourages the heart.  Different combinations of sounds create different types of music.  The combinations are literally endless.  Music is a gift.

I encourage you to stop for a minute as you go about your day today.  Listen to the music around you.  I mean really listen.  Feel it.  What is it saying to you?  Please comment below.

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