Friday, May 29, 2015

Enjoy Your Life

Yesterday was the last day of school for my kids. Of course they were excited, and they wasted no time in telling me what grades they will be in next year. They are growing too fast, as we all know. That's what kids do. But sometimes...sometimes I still catch a glimpse of the little babies I cuddled so long ago. 

My daughter just turned 10 couple weeks ago. But she still has to hold my hand. She holds my hand when we're singing in church. She holds my hand from the car to the grocery store. I can't even get my keys in my purse before she grabs my hand.  She holds my hand when I sit with her at lunch at school on those days when I visit her.  My little girl has always been a physical touch kind of baby. That is her love language. She rode in a sling until she was 15 month old when she decided to walk. She liked to be close to mommy. When she would sleep with mommy and daddy at night she had to touch both of us. She would make the crosswise line of a capital h between us. Who knew the baby could take up most of the bed? But these times are fleeting. She is growing so fast and she is very independent in a lot ways. I feel like she's comfortable with her independence because she knows she is loved.  She knows she can always come back and cuddle. 

 UL NEW rosemary tea

My son is leaving on a trip this weekend and will be gone for 5 days. At 12-years-old, he will be traveling across country with a group from school to go to Washington D.C. and New York City. I am so proud of him for working for the money to do this. He has worked hard for the last year and a half.  I think he's excited to go, but at the same time a little nervous to be away from mom and dad for that long and so far away. I know he'll have a blast!  I'll admit I'm a little nervous for him to be so far away without me. However, the truth of the matter is that we really don't have any control over what happens to our kids. The only thing we can control is our response. And for that we are completely responsible.  

These times when our kids are young are precious.  They are so precious. Those moments are our lives.  Remember to enjoy them.

I would ask for your prayers for my son and his classmates as they travel.  These precious kids have all worked hard to earn their money for their trip, and it will be fantastic.  It's a great learning experience!

What experiences and moments stand out with your kids that stand out in your memory?  Please comment below.

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